Monday, December 18, 2006

Well it is a week before Christmas and last year at this time I thought Kyleigh would be here for Christmas. I should not be too much longer and we should have our referral. I am thinking and hoping for a Feburary referral. Some people are being so negative about the referrals and saying we probably won't recive our referrals untill march or april. Why not have a little hope. Good Grerif we have waited this long what is a few more months. If I hear any rumors I get excited because it is a little bit of hope. All we have is hope right now.

I am excited for Chistmas this year because it is better than last year. Last year was after hurricane Rita and my mother and father in law lost everything. We are very blessed this year to have eveyone healthy and happy. My in laws are still waiting to buld their house but we are very blessed to have our little girl coming into our lives in the next few months.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jenn...

Yay for you starting a blog!

Happy New Year!

Oct grp