Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This is my first post to this blog. My name is Jennifer Fontenot from Bell City, Louisiana, and we are adopting our first little girl from China. My husband Jerrit and I have been waiting for almost 2 years for our little one. Our LID is 10/27/2005. We are hoping for our referral in Feburary. Kyleigh is our first child also. I am designing this blog for my family and friends to keep up with us while we are in China.

Jerrit and I have a large family. We have 2 nephews and a neice that we adore. I am hoping to put some pictures of them on soon. We decided to adopt about 2 years ago when fertilzation did not work for us. I have always wanted to be a mother. In a way I would alway felt that I would never have children naturaly. I belive God has me in the right plan. I am so excited about everything about this process. It has been a long wait but I would not change it for the world. It will all be worth it in the end. We are using Declores Adoption which is with Adoption Guides. Everyone with these two agencys have been wonderful.I will try to get some pictures together and post when I get a little more things together. God Bless everyone!!


The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Hey girl. I remember starting my blog over a year ago. It's funny how when I look back now, I wonder how I ever started. As you get comfortable, you'll get the hang of it. If you have any questions on posting pictures, links or whatever just let me know.


Nesting For Natalie said...


It looks great!

Amy C